ScHoOl VisitS
JB Frank would love to bring her books to your classroom, virtually or in-person. Bring Count on Me 123 or Somewhere In The City to your school today!
Chicago Public School first grade teacher Stephanie Anderson:
These books were a joy to read! I would definitely love to share them with my classroom.
Somewhere in the City would be a wonderful text to use during my family unit or my urban/rural unit. I would also use this story to teach and practice visualization. The words she chooses really allow the reader to “see” the city and feel the love between the child and father. I just loved it!
Count on Me 1 2 3 was also so remarkable in the sense that she not only focused on counting, but on so many important people / role models and on the significance of their roles in society. The last page, with the mirror, made me a little teary-eyed! There are so many positive messages for kids in that book.
K‑8 suburban public school principal, Amanda Stochl
Count on Me 123
Helping children learn there are lots of people they can count on at a young age can reinforce security and confidence. The way the author scaffolds down to the closest people they can rely on was a noticed structure to the story as well. Ending the story focused on knowing you can always count on who you are was a wonderful conclusion to a beautiful theme!
Somewhere In The City
The story has a sweet sentiment and is extremely relatable to children and parents. As a teacher, it also provides a nice springboard to talk about voice and perspective.
Both books could be used in the primary classroom, addressing some of the SS and SEL themes. Not to mention, modeling writing attributes.