J.B. Frank author and speaker
J.B. Frank author and speaker
J.B. Frank author and speaker

ScHoOl VisitS

J.B. Frank school visits

JB Frank would love to bring her books to your class­room, vir­tu­al­ly or in-per­son. Bring Count on Me 123 or Some­where In The City to your school today!

Use this Google Form to con­tact us.


Chica­go Pub­lic School first grade teacher Stephanie Anderson:

These books were a joy to read! I would def­i­nite­ly love to share them with my classroom. 

Some­where in the City would be a won­der­ful text to use dur­ing my fam­i­ly unit or my urban/rural unit. I would also use this sto­ry to teach and prac­tice visu­al­iza­tion. The words she choos­es real­ly allow the read­er to “see” the city and feel the love between the child and father. I just loved it!

Count on Me 1 2 3 was also so remark­able in the sense that she not only focused on count­ing, but on so many impor­tant peo­ple / role mod­els and on the sig­nif­i­cance of their roles in soci­ety. The last page, with the mir­ror, made me a lit­tle teary-eyed! There are so many pos­i­tive mes­sages for kids in that book. 

K‑8 sub­ur­ban pub­lic school prin­ci­pal, Aman­da Stochl

Count on Me 123
Help­ing chil­dren learn there are lots of peo­ple they can count on at a young age can rein­force secu­ri­ty and con­fi­dence. The way the author scaf­folds down to the clos­est peo­ple they can rely on was a noticed struc­ture to the sto­ry as well. End­ing the sto­ry focused on know­ing you can always count on who you are was a won­der­ful con­clu­sion to a beau­ti­ful theme!

Some­where In The City
The sto­ry has a sweet sen­ti­ment and is extreme­ly relat­able to chil­dren and par­ents. As a teacher, it also pro­vides a nice spring­board to talk about voice and perspective.

Both books could be used in the pri­ma­ry class­room, address­ing some of the SS and SEL themes. Not to men­tion, mod­el­ing writ­ing attributes.