SoMeWhere in the CitY

written by J.B. Frank
illustrated by Yu Leng
Familius, 2021
ISBN 978–1‑64170–260‑7
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The sights and sounds of the city come alive in a magical way as Lucy waits eagerly for her father to return from work. Watching out the window, Lucy’s view of dogs, bakers, and buses is juxtaposed with her father’s journey through crowds, trains, and finally home to tuck her in. Detailed illustrations contrast a child’s fantastical view of the world with reality, all leading up to a cozy finish that will make this a perfect bedtime book for children everywhere and anywhere.

illustrations © copyright Yu Leng from Somewhere in the City, written by J.B. Frank, published by Familius, 2021
Podcast: Reading with Your Kids, interview with Dr. Carla Manly, “Who Can We Count On?”
Review and Activities: Celebrate Picture Books. June 2 is National Leave the Office Early Day. Enjoy reading Somewhere in the City together.
“This whimsical illustration of a sweet parent-child relationship will serve as a soothing bedtime read.” (Publishers Weekly, full review)
“Somewhere in the City touches the heart of what it means to be a dad and love your daughter unconditionally.” (Thomas Matlack, founder of The Good Men Project)
“A beautiful and sweet story about the power of love and connection.” (Emily Esfahani Smith, author of The Power of Meaning: Crafting a Life That Matters)
“All children must go to sleep — even if they live somewhere in the bustling city. In this beautifully written story, a girl waits for her dad as he rushes home to tuck her into bed. Captivating and soothing at the same time — a must-read for all.” (Mary Logue, author of Sleep Like a Tiger and the Claire Watkins mystery series)