J.B. Frank author and speaker
J.B. Frank author and speaker
J.B. Frank author and speaker

SoMeWhere in the CitY

Somewhere in the City

writ­ten by J.B. Frank
illus­trat­ed by Yu Leng
Famil­ius, 2021
ISBN 978–1‑64170–260‑7

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The sights and sounds of the city come alive in a mag­i­cal way as Lucy waits eager­ly for her father to return from work. Watch­ing out the win­dow, Lucy’s view of dogs, bak­ers, and bus­es is jux­ta­posed with her father’s jour­ney through crowds, trains, and final­ly home to tuck her in. Detailed illus­tra­tions con­trast a child’s fan­tas­ti­cal view of the world with real­i­ty, all lead­ing up to a cozy fin­ish that will make this a per­fect bed­time book for chil­dren every­where and anywhere. 

illustration from Somewhere in the City by Yu Leng

illus­tra­tions © copy­right Yu Leng from Some­where in the City, writ­ten by J.B. Frank, pub­lished by Famil­ius, 2021


Pod­cast: Read­ing with Your Kids, inter­view with Dr. Car­la Man­ly, “Who Can We Count On?”

Review and Activ­i­ties: Cel­e­brate Pic­ture Books. June 2 is Nation­al Leave the Office Ear­ly Day. Enjoy read­ing Some­where in the City together.


“This whim­si­cal illus­tra­tion of a sweet par­ent-child rela­tion­ship will serve as a sooth­ing bed­time read.” (Pub­lish­ers Week­ly, full review)

Some­where in the City touch­es the heart of what it means to be a dad and love your daugh­ter uncon­di­tion­al­ly.” (Thomas Mat­lack, founder of The Good Men Project)

“A beau­ti­ful and sweet sto­ry about the pow­er of love and con­nec­tion.” (Emi­ly Esfa­hani Smith, author of The Pow­er of Mean­ing: Craft­ing a Life That Mat­ters)

“All chil­dren must go to sleep — even if they live some­where in the bustling city. In this beau­ti­ful­ly writ­ten sto­ry, a girl waits for her dad as he rush­es home to tuck her into bed. Cap­ti­vat­ing and sooth­ing at the same time — a must-read for all.” (Mary Logue, author of Sleep Like a Tiger and the Claire Watkins mys­tery series)